Gothenburg, Sweden airport signage

The objective of this signage was to enhance brand visibility, engage with participants at a local genomics trade show, and leverage statistics to seamlessly integrate the airport experience with the essence of the trade show.

I used compelling statistics, authentic customer narratives, vibrant lifestyle imagery, and seamlessly integrated branded elements across the airport environment. This narrative was crafted not only to enhance brand recognition among the general public but also to forge early connections with prospective customers and leads attending the local genomics trade show in Sweden.

These mock-ups served as visual aids to illustrate the application of the artwork across the expansive airport hallway. Due to logistical constraints preventing the creative team's attendance at the show and the tight production schedule, these mock-ups played a pivotal role in effectively conveying the envisioned experience.

The airport and trade show experiences were seamlessly linked through compelling statistics, striking imagery, and cohesive branding elements. Rather than relying solely on customer narratives and lifestyle imagery, we opted for research-focused visuals and data-driven statistics to resonate more deeply with the predominantly researcher and physician attendees.


Digital awareness campaign


Illumina design system